Site News

Welcoming a new species, Arcane Fauna!

Posted 11 May 2023, 21:34:30 CDT by wanderandfriend


As the puppillars and snailcats spread out throughout the land to investigate the magic pockets, reports started coming in about seeing strange creatures in the areas surrounding the magical pockets. Frogs with mushrooms sprouting on thier backs, lizards with fire frills, and other strange creatures. It wasn't until Jake and Rover ran into a familiar face that they started putting everything together...

"HALLO IS mE OLD PALZ!!!" the flutterbat said, turning away from the swirl of magic it was trying to lick, "I waz just tryin to taste some more magic, magics is what maked the flutterbatz, but there have been so many uh ohs we thought we could be MOAR MAGICAL by eating some. Then we can help all the puppopillies and the snailies. But turns out, can't eat the dang thingies! SAD!"

Jake and Rover were thrown off, but got the famed flutterbat to explain furthur, it seemed that thier colony of strange bats used to be normal bats, but had been exposed to some strange magic and became what they were today, forming thier own society as we know them today. Furthurmore, this was happening to other creatures throughout the land!

Rover and Jake got the word out, and soon enough puppillars and snailcats set out to make contact with as many of these new creatures as possible, as they could be a possible help in fixing magic, and to be ambassadors of this new sentient species in Arcanis!

Welcoming Arcane Fauna to the puppillars World!

That's right, its time to introduce our newest species to Puppillars, Arcane Fauna! Arcane Fauna are formerly normal animals from throughout the world who have been effected by stray magic and have gained new features and a higher sentience. These creatures have been living on Accanis for a while, living in thier own groups, but many have been traveling to puppillar and snailcat settlements to live there and integrate into the greater society of Arcanis!

What are Arcane Fauna?

Arcane Fauna are any animal, plus any one of the four special trait categories: Aquatic, Elemental, Extras, and Reptile. They can be any animal, including mythical creatures, extinct creatures, and even cats or dogs! The only restriction is that each Arcane Fauna can only have one type of Arcane Magic.

For example, one of our first NPCs for Arcane Fauna, Petey, is a Raccoon with Reptile Traits, giving him Dragon traits!

NPC-016: Petey(click here to see Petey's Masterlist entry!)

How do I get an Arcane Fauna?

Arcane Fauna MYOs can be found at Petey's Arcane Emporium, and each cost 5 Arcane Motes ( Arcane Mote), a new currency! Members can earn Arcane Motes by collecting Mote drops from existing Arcane Fauna. Arcane Fauna have so  much magic they shed some once per month, and drop "Shed Arcane Magic" which members can open for some Arcane Motes!

Lucky for our members, during the Stray Magic Scavenger hunt, members were able to snag some Shed Arcane Magic they can open up for some motes to snag their first MYO!

As always, Arcane Fauna will also be available via Adoptables and Customs!

More information on Arcane Fauna will be coming soon, including an info page and prices for customs!

I hope that everyone enjoys the new species!! They have been in the works for a while, and I'm happy to finally bring them to you!

[Plot] Stray magic shenanigans!

Posted 30 April 2023, 16:50:57 CDT by Provie


Jake barker here, interrupting your usual programming to bring you a special report regarding the situation with magic in our world. I'll keep this brief friends, but this is important! I've just recieved correspondance from a team of some of our area's strongest magic users, who have been working together to try and find a solution to the issues that we've been experiencing! 

Our magic users have detected some anomalous magic pockets throughout our area, apparantly these pockets have been lurking around since earlier this year, around when all this trouble started, but they have been so far, naked to the puppillar eye. This surely must be related to our issues, so we are putting out the call for anyone who is able to investigate these pockets of magic!

Thankfully with the help of the magic users we have been in contact with, these magic pockets are now visible thanks to thier skills in magic! We do urge anyone going out there to be careful, we don't know what can happen with these magic pockets yet. Direct contact with magic can be dangerous, as anything can happen, but we have been advised that any effects will be temporary, and we have also learned this fact by my wonderful boyfriend Rover's overzealousness in heading to one of these magic pockets. He isn't on the air with me right now because he has become tiny, but we have been told he will be back to his regular size soon enough. So if you're prepared for an adventure where anything can happen, please brave these magic pockets and let us know what happens!

PLOT STEP THREE: Tracking down magic pockets!


Thanks to the help of a few puppillars and snailcats with strong connetctions to magic, a symptom of our world's magic being on the fritz has been discovered, stray pockets of magic have appeared on the continent. Now that we are able to detect these pockets of magic, its time to go out there and see what's happening with these pockets, and if we can do something with them to help the situation! 

Main Activity:  Depict your character interacting with a pocket of stray magic! These pockets can cause some crazy random magical effects, so use your imagination to decide what happens to your character when they interact with the pocket of magic. Any effects or changes are temporary, so feel free to have some fun changing yoyr character's appearance, or depicting them with a fun new magic power!

Mini Activity: Time for a scavenger hunt! There are five pockets of stray magic hidden around the site for members to collect! The magic pockets will appear on various areas of the site, when you find one, simply click the orb when it appears and it will be added to your inventory! At any time, you can check your progress on the scavenger hunt by clicking this link

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
(All the hunt targets are identical and award the same item, the Shed Arcane Magic!)

Some things to note about the scavenger hunt:

  • The Magic Pockets will not be hidden on Character Masterlist Entries or Member Profiles
  • Do not share the locations or links to any of the magic pockets with others, or give hints to others. This is considered cheating, anyone found doing so will 
  • Please be respectful of other people's experiences when discussing the scavenger hunt, including discussing how "hard" or "easy" a location may be, since everyone will have a different experience!
  • The scavenger hunt will end at the end of the day (site time) on May 31st!
Activity Guidelines:
  1. Members do not need to own a Puppillar or Snailcat in order to participate, members are free to use any of our NPCs, or draw other member's characters (with their permission!)
  2. Main Activities must be submitted to the Source of Magic Plot Gallery, and must be submitted to the Plot: Source of Magic Prompt to receive the designated rewards and count for plot participation
  3. Art/writing submissions must be worth at least 20 treats to be valid for plot participation and individual advancement
    1. Details on Treat values for art/writing can be found at our Currencies, Items, and Awards Page
  4. Members can complete each activity once per member
Plot Step Prize(s)

For completing the Main Activity, members will be rewarded with 100 Treats!


For completing the Mini Activity, members will be rewarded with the magic pockets they find.... which have an extra surprise that will be revealed!!


If the plot participation threshold is met before the end of the month, all of our plot step reveals will be revealed early, which inclide a Journal Entry by Rover Wagstaff, the end story of this chapter,  and another very special reveal which you're not gonna wanna miss!

Thank You Puppy/Kitten Raffle!

Posted 2 May 2023, 11:45:48 CDT by Provie

Thank you puppillars members!

As you may have seen on our Discord Server, we are happy and thankful to announce that we have reached our goal for covering server costs for the year! Thanks to everyone who bought MYO slots, customs, nuggies, or adopts from Andie and myself (and the special set from Kougie), and a general thank you to all our members for making puppillars what it is today!

As a thank you for all of our members, we are holding a Puppypillar/Snailkitten raffle, as was voted on by our members on discord!

This raffle is free to enter, and will work as follows:

  • Each member can claim their free ticket via Claims, simply submit a new claim and select the raffle ticket as your reward
  • This portion of the raffle will close on May 15th at Midnight Site Time
  • Two winners will be drawn, and will be asked to provide two parent puppillars/snailcats for the designs to be based on
    • The parents may be your own, or one can belong to another member with their permission
  • Three designs will be created based on each set of parents, and the raffle winners will get their pick of which design from thier bacth to keep
    • In the case of one of the parents not belonging to the winner, the owner if the other parent will also get to pick a design to keep. In this scenario, an additional puppypillar/snailcat will be created for the raffle
  • The remaining characters will be raffled off in a new raffle, where each member (besides the winner of the initial raffle and any second parent owner if applicable) can receive one ticket for free

Enjoy the raffle everyone and good luck! And thanks again for all your support this year!

You can view the raffle here!

Provie's Birthday Raffle!

Posted 21 March 2023, 11:28:57 CDT by Provie

Edit 4/16: Winners have been rolled! You can see the results here, but congrats to Pooka uzkost Oboe and FNGaymer !

Hi everyone! Today (March 21st) is my birthday, so to celebrate I wanted to have a little raffle and give some gifts to the puppillars members! I hope everyone has a great day!


  • Puppypillar/Snailkitten breeding OR custom or Puppillar/Snailcat custom up to Rare Rarity x2
  • Fullbody art piece by Provie x2
  • All participants will recieve 50 treats as a gift!

How to Enter:

  • Comment on this news post to claim a free ticket
  • Advertise Puppillars for up to 3 tickets and comment below linking the ad (one ticket per ad on a different social media)
  • Complete a plot step that you haven't already for 5 tickets and comment below wth a link to the gallery entry (can be claimed once per member)

The raffle will be open until April 15th at midnight site time!

Click here to view the raffle!

Thanks for making Pupps a great group everyone, good luck!

[Plot] Magic experts needed!

Posted 2 April 2023, 14:35:12 CDT by Provie


After a lot of research at the University of New Barkston, the path forward had become clear for Jake Barker, Rover Wagstaff, and all helping them find out how to fix the magic of the Puppillars world. Magic is all around us, and a part of daily life, but there are those out there who are more in tune with our continent's magic, and in our research it was discovered that our ancestors sought the help of those who know magic, so that's where the team heads next, the mystics, the wizards, the legendary, and anyone else with a strong connection to magic. 

The call to action went out on Jake's Show,the Daily Bark, with Rover in tow was well:

Jake Barker: Our research paid off, didn't it Rover? And its all thanks to everyone out there who came on down and helped out!

Rover Wagstaff: Yes, it certainly did! I was pleasantly surprised by how many of your viewers showed up, and they were certainly all amazing to work with, I think we managed to comb though a very large portion of the archives, an amazing feat! Thank you all for all the help!

JB: Never underestimate the power of the people! Especially those with the good taste of liking this show. Now, for those of you that haven't heard the details, we were able to find the info we need-

RW: In a cookbook no less!

JB: Yes, in a cookbook, and it looks like that our ancestors have faced this before, and they got help from fellow puppillars who had lots of experience with magic. So here we are, planning on following their footsteps.

RW: Yes, to anyone out there who has a strong connection to magic, please call into this show when you can, or visit me at the University and lend a hand!

(later on in the show)

JB: Hello caller, you're on the line!

Stella Fortuna: Umm, yes hello, I'm Stella, I'm calling because I'm a fortune teller, my connection to our world's magic might not be as strong as someone who works directly with magic, but I channel our world's magic when I tell people's fortunes!

JB: Ohhh, how cool! Thanks for calling in Stella, how has your magic been since the incidents started?

SF: Oh, things have been strange that's for sure, whenever I read the cards there's an energy that's off, like something is hurting... I haven't really been able to determine more. Maybe if I delve into it more... but as I said, those who work more directly with magic may be able to help more!

RW: Is there anyone you happen to know that works with magic more directly?

SF: Ohh, well most of those types are more recluisve like... witches, hermits, et cetera, but there are a few folks out there that are easier to reach, have you guys ever met Milton? He's a pleasant wizard who mostly uses his magic to craft special items, though from what my grandma tells me, his magic is quite strong!

JB: Oh, Milton? I never realized he was that poweful, that's amazing! I had him make a gift for my neice last year! I'll have to go have a chat with him.

RW: Anyone else that you know Stella?

SF: Well, not personally but I do know that legendary puppillars have a strong connection to magic, maybe they'll also have a sense of what's going on as well...

JB: Well, definitely avenues to persue, thank you so much for calling in!

SF: And of course, my readings are always open if anyone needs one, just head on over to my stall!!

PLOT STEP Three: Those who know magic


We're hot on the trail of working out how to restore magic to the world, and our biggest lead right now involves tracking down puppillars (or snailcats) who have a deep connection to magic to learn thier insights on how to help the situation! Whether it be tracking down a hermit, getting a fortune telling from Stella, or asking a local legenday puppillar, every lead could lead to the answer!

Main Activity:  Depict your character tracking down a lead (such as travelling to visit a more reculusive witch/wizard) or chatting with an easier to reach lead, such as Milton, Stella, a Legendary Puppillar/Snailcat (with the owner's permission!) or a new character invented for this prompt!

Mini Activity: Stella will be telling fortunes over at her stall all month! For this mini activity, members may comment on this news post using one of Stella's fortune telling methods to tell your own fortune. To recieve credit you must list the cards you drew and outline the interpretation of the cards you've made.

Activity Guidelines:
  1. Members do not need to own a Puppillar or Snailcat in order to participate, members are free to use any of our NPCs, or draw other member's characters (with their permission!)
  2. Main Activities must be submitted to the Source of Magic Plot Gallery, and must be submitted to the Plot: Source of Magic Prompt to receive the designated rewards and count for plot participation
  3. Art/writing submissions must be worth at least 20 treats to be valid for plot participation and individual advancement
    1. Details on Treat values for art/writing can be found at our Currencies, Items, and Awards Page
  4. Members can complete each activity once per member (for the mini activity, members are welcome to ask more than one question, but can only get the prize once).
Plot Step Prize(s)

For completing the Main Activity, members will be rewarded with 100 Treats!


For completing the Mini Activity, members will be rewarded with a Fortune Telling Deck Item!


If the plot participation threshold is met, a Journal Entry by Rover Wagstaff, a new lore entry involving magic users,  and another reveal that will build onto our next plot step!

[Holiday] Snailcat Racing Season!

Posted 28 February 2023, 22:49:12 CST by Provie
Edit 4/5: And the winner is.....


RexAraneo's Morpheus!!!!!!! Congrats, and well done to all the racers, hope everyone had a good racing season!


On your marks... get set... and go!! It's time for Snailcat Racing season! Every March, snailcats from all over the continent hold races and track meets to show off thier feats of speed, dexterity, and endurance. The races usually have a fun atmosphere with other side events and small festivals to go along with the races, so there's fun for all during snailcat racing season!

Holiday details

For Snailcat Racing season, members can sign up one of their snailcats to the race lineup, and each week will have matchups between the submitted snailcats where members can cheer on the racers, until one snailcat comes out on top! The winner of each matchup will be determined with a randomizer weighted by the amount of cheers each racer gets, so the underdog may come out on top! The winner will only be for bragging rights, and a bit of art from Provie of the winner, all holiday prizes will be earned by cheering on the racers!

Holiday Schedule
March 1st - March 7th - Sign ups open for snailcat racers (one per member)

March 8th - March 14th: Round One Matchups
Click here to view the Bracket!

March 15th -  March 21st: Round Two Matchups
Click here to view the bracket!

March 22nd - 28th: Round Three Matchups
Click here to view the bracket!

March 29th - April 5th: Final Round!
Click here to view the bracket!

Signup and Cheering Rules and Prize Details

  • Members may sign up one of thier snailcats by commenting on this news post with the following details:
    • Snailcat's Name
    • Snailcat's Pronouns
    • Link to the Snailcat's masterlist entry
  • All signups must be commented by the end of the day on March 7th in order to join the race. 
  • During the rounds, all members (regardless of if they have a snail in the race) can cheer one snailcat from each matchup once per day by submitting a list of racers they wish to cheer via claims
    • Members may not cheer for thier own character, and may opt out of cheering any matchup if they choose to. As long as you cheer for one of the available matchups you will collect your point
  • Members will earn one Holiday Ticket per cheering claim, and the Holiday Goodie Bag can be purchased in the Snailcat Racing Season Shop for 5 tickets each, plus there will be some other goodies in there as well

<a href=<a href=<a href=

Happy Racing Season!

[Plot] Let's dive into some research!

Posted 31 January 2023, 21:36:15 CST by Provie


The city of New Barkston is a busting city, one of the biggest on the continent and today is no different, especially around the University of New Barkston, where many have gathered to lend a helping paw in the research effort. Without the use of magic, things have been going slower at the University for both those doing experiments with magic and doing research, but seeing as research is safer to have laypeople volunteer to help with, thats where are the volunteers are headed, to the massive university library. Rover is there to greet everyone, he looks stressed out but is handling himself well, directing anyone who needs it.

"Welcome everyone! I think many of you know me, or at least saw me on Jake Barker's show last week, but I'm Rover, and if you need anything, just let me know! We're grateful for all the help, especially for going through all these old archives. There's a lot to cover, so I reccomend that you pick a topic that interests you and dive right in, that will make reading through everything more interesting! Now I will remind you to be careful, we mostly will have the volunteers looking at our achives from the last century, but if you do come across anything that looks older, please let a university employee know, as there are special procedures for handling a lot of our older documents... and of course, if you find anything of note about magic, or similar happenings in the past, please let us know!"


Plot step TWo: Into the archives!

Time to help out and try to get to the bottom of all this trouble with magic! The archives at the University of New Barkston has a lot of info, so all these helping paws will useful in seeing if there's anything of use in the history and general ephemera the university has collected over the years. It will also be fun to just see what kind of interesting information the archives has in store!

Main Activity:  Depict your character looking through the archives at the university, including a depiction of the category of interest they are looking through (this can be anything, history, sports, food, architecture, etc!)

Mini Activity: This mini activity will take place on our Discord Server! The activity will be an AMA where members can as Provie anything about the world of Puppillars, big or small, and I will do my best to give an answer. Feel free to ask about anything at all, since having a prompt is a really great way for me to get my brain going! Anyone who asks a question will be eligible for the mini activity's prize! (Members are also welcome to ask more than one question but can only get the prize once!)

Activity Guidelines:
  1. Members do not need to own a Puppillar or Snailcat in order to participate, members are free to use any of our NPCs, or draw other member's characters (with their permission!)
  2. Main Activities must be submitted to the Source of Magic Plot Gallery, and must be submitted to the Plot: Source of Magic Prompt to receive the designated rewards and count for plot participation
  3. Art/writing submissions must be worth at least 20 treats to be valid for plot participation and individual advancement
    1. Details on Treat values for art/writing can be found at our Currencies, Items, and Awards Page
  4. Members can complete each activity once per member (for the mini activity, members are welcome to ask more than one question, but can only get the prize once).
Plot Step Prize(s)

For completing the Main Activity, members will be rewarded with 100 Treats!


For completing the Mini Activity, members will be rewarded with a Ducky Gacha Ball!


If the plot participation threshold is met, a Journal Entry by Rover Wagstaff, and updated (or new!) lore entries based on the AMA questions!

Happy 4th Anniversary Puppillars!!

Posted 2 February 2023, 12:39:06 CST by Provie


Happy fourth anniversary puppillars!!!

Wow, four whole years of Puppillars! Whether you have been with us for four days or all four years, its time to celebrate another milestone! 2022 was a fun year with a lot of fun stuff and great updates to our ARPG!


Milestones from the past year

Some of our biggest milestones this year were getting a few major projects and updates going on our site, such as finishing the Masterlist Project (re-uploading all older images so the auto watermark feature can be used),  Catching up on Awards and Prizes for features like challenges, and various updates and improvements to our guide pages!

We added some awesome new features to the site this year, starting with our Custom Items System! We also added Wishlists to the site and started the process of adding more options for Aliases! Free to use Bases were also added for members to use, and we also added a new Adventuring area, Bark Park!

We had mostly smaller and recurring events last year, including our Flutterbat Takeover, Pride, and Art Fight, but the latter half of the year had our bigger events, Bark Park Music Fest, Trick or Treat Trail, and our epic Winter Advents, with items and adoptables!

Last, but not least, from the bigger milestones, we introduced the premium currency Nuggies, and our Ko-fi memberships this year! And this year of course, we started up our ongoing plot, The Source of Magic, which will continue this year!

There are now 86 members on our site! Hello one and all, we're glad to have you!

There are now 329 Puppillars and 70 Snailcats on our masterlist! Lots of adorable new friends!

We have 738 items on ours site to collect, and 54 Awards to work towards!


Phew, now onto the celebration!

To celebrate our anniversary, we have some gifts, one Special Occasion Present, and a new Award, the 4th Birthday Cake Slice!

<a href= 57-image.png

To claim these gifts, simply submit a claim and add them as rewards to the claim!
You have until the end of the month (Feb 28th at Midnight site time) to claim these gifts!


wanderer's glade now open!

But wait, there's more! This month we are also launching our new feature, the Wanderer's Glade! The glade is a place where members may sell puppillars characters (or MYO slots) and recieve treats in return. The characters are then added to the glade, for other members to purchase for treats! Lore wise, the Wanderer's Glade is a place where any travelling puppillar or snailcat can stay while they wait on thier next adventure!

To celebrate our anniversary, we will be placing some adopts directly into the Wanderer's Glade with special pricing! These drops will be happening throughout the month, so keep an eye on the glade!


and as always... More to come!

This year will be just as exciting as the last! We will of course be continuing along with our first ever plot (which will have plot steps going through September), which will have more lore drops, and other fun new things launching in line with the plot!

We will also be introducing and adding more info about the Puppillars Holidays, with our next holiday being Snailcat Racing season in March!

[Plot] Something's Amiss in the Puppillars World...

Posted 27 December 2022, 13:35:07 CST by Provie
update 1/21: 

The participation threshold has been met for this step's reveals! 

Rover Wagstaff and Jake Barker are now on the masterlist!

Rover's Journal has been updated!

The Plot Step Story page has been updated with an interview between Rover and Jake!

The next plot step will be posted on Feb 1st, and reminder that there's no time limit on the plot main activities, only the mini activities! So if you'd like to snag a mini magic potion, make sure to complete the mini activity by January 31st!


Hello everyone, and welcome to the Daily Bark, with me, Jake Barker, your daily news source for the goings on in New Barkston and beyond! Happy New Year everybody! I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Years, I'm sure everyone is also looking forward to the Festival of the New Moon, and I'm happy to report we won't be waiting very long, as the first Full Moon of this year falls on the sixth of this month! So get ready to party and howl! At least there's some time for everyone to get prepared for thier Festival of the New Moon parties, even if New Year's and New Moon are close together this year.

Now, onto some more serious news, I know we have a lot of fun here, and its a fun time of year, but here at the Daily Bark, we have been getting scattered reports of puppillars having issues with magical abilities lately. Now, I don't want to alarm anyone, especially since these reports just started, and there's only been a few reports so far, but anyone who has a magic ability or interacts with magic regularly should be careful! And of course, if you have any reports of your own regarding this phenomenon, please let us know!

As I mentioned, there have only been scattered reports so far, and they have only been coming out in the last twenty four hours or so, so we can only really speculate as to what could be going on. Maybe its just a fluke, a weird coincidence that a few pupps have had issues with thier abilities, but here at the Daily Bark, we will be following this story closely in case something bigger is happening! So make sure you tune in tomorrow, at the same time for any developments, as you'll hear them here first!

Welcome to part one of our first ever puppillars plot!

We have lots of fun in store this year with our first ever plot, plan on monthly stories and activities (both big and small), as well as new lore info, and other fun surprises along the way! I hope that this plot will provide a lot of fun and round out the puppillars world for everyone!

Here's how the plot will work:

  • Each month a plot step will be posted in the news, and added to the Plot: The Source of Magic prompt, with instructions on how to complete this step of the plot
    • Each step will be different, so please read the steps thoroughly!
    • Plots will function mostly like quests, they will always be available after they launch and they can only be completed once per member! However, unlike quests, plot steps can be completed in any order
  • Plot participation will be tracked, and extra lore and/or journal entries by Rover Wagstaff will be unlocked each month once a participation threshold is met
    • If the participation threshold isn't met, never fear, the lore will be revealed once the next plot step is posted
  • Each plot step will have a Main Activity and a Mini Activity
    • The Main Activity will be submitted to the Prompt for individual member's advancement in the plot journey, and count towards general plot participation. Each Main Activity will also have a prize for each step
    • The Mini Activity will be an optional bonus activity which will also count towards plot participation, and may have small prizes depending on the activity

Plot step one: Magic Malfunctions?

As reported by Jake Barker,  something is amiss with magic in the puppillars world! Magic is a part of daily life in this world, but magic seems to be on the fritz, causing issues for puppillars and snailcats throughout the land. Though we're not sure of a cause yet, maybe collecting more firsthand data will help us figure out what to do...

Main Activity:  Depict your character having issues with magic, or coming across another puppillar/snailcat having issues with magic

Mini Activity: Reply to the comment below with a short, firsthand account of witnessing an incident with magic, in the perspective of your character!

Activity Guidelines:
  1. Members do not need to own a Puppillar or Snailcat in order to participate, members are free to use any of our NPCs, or draw other member's characters (with their permission!)
    1. In the case of these activities, members may invent a "fake" character with Magic they can discuss in their activities
  2. Main Activities must be submitted to the Source of Magic Plot Gallery, and must be submitted to the Plot: Source of Magic Prompt to receive the designated rewards and count for plot participation
  3. Art/writing submissions must be worth at least 20 treats to be valid for plot participation and individual advancement
    1. Details on Treat values for art/writing can be found at our Currencies, Items, and Awards Page
  4. Members can complete the activities once per member
Plot Step Prize(s)

For completing the Main Activity, members will be rewarded with a Major Magic Potion


For completing the Mini Activity, members will be rewarded with a Mini Magic Potion

<a href=

If the plot participation threshold is met, a Journal Entry by Rover Wagstaff, an interview with Jake Barker and Rover Wagstaff, and msterlist entries for Jake and Rover's NPCs will be unlocked!

What a week... January Roundup!

Posted 8 January 2023, 11:29:55 CST by Provie

Hello everyone! I know that this first week of January has been kinda hectic with a lot of posts, but it just so happened that we had some stuff that I wanted to start this year being at the same time as the plot, so time for a roundup of the stuff going on right now as a reminder and to have it all in one place!

Our first step of our first plot

The biggest thing going on right now is the first step for our plot, The Source of Magic! There is a main activity to complete, that functions like a quest and will always be able to completed at your own pace, and a mini activity that will close at the end of the month! Members can earn a Major Magic potion for completing the main activity and a Mini Magic Potion for completing the mini activity!

<a href=" Magic Potion" class="display-item">Major Magic Potion</a><a href=" Magic Potion" class="display-item">Mini Magic Potion</a>
Click here to go to the plot news post!

New Year's Raffle!

To celebrate the new year,  we are having a raffle for some Special Occasion Presents (which have a random myo and a bonus trait changing item)! Every 10 tickets in the raffle will unlock another present being raffled off! The raffle will close on January 20th, so get those tickets in!

<a href=" Occasion Present" class="display-item">Special Occasion Present</a><a href=" Occasion Present" class="display-item">Special Occasion Present</a><a href=" Occasion Present" class="display-item">Special Occasion Present</a>

Click here to go to the raffle post!

Festival of the New Moon

The first of our annual holidays is happening now! The Fetsival of the New Moon has a simple prompt to complete, and each time the prompt is completed members will recieve a Festival of the New Moon Goodie Bag, which has two fun holiday items and 50 bonus treats! The holiday will end on January 20th, so get those prompts in! To celebrate, we also have some lovely adopts by Howee

<a href=" of the New Moon Goodie Bag" class="display-item">Festival of the New Moon Goodie Bag</a><a href=" of the New Moon Goodie Bag" class="display-item">Festival of the New Moon Goodie Bag</a><a href=" of the New Moon Goodie Bag" class="display-item">Festival of the New Moon Goodie Bag</a>
Click here to view the Holiday Prompt!
Click here to see the Holiday Adopts!


Whew, that's everything! I hope you guys enjoy the various stuff going on right now, we really kinda ramped up the new year, but things like the holidays will be spread out this year so it won't always be as crazy. Grab all that fun stuff while you can :D