Thank You Raffle Part 2 + Site Updates!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Provie

EDIT 6/21: As mentioned at the bottom of this news post, we are now opening Guest Artist Applications! This round of guest artists will be making Arcane Fauna adopts only, so we can get some more on site! Please fill out the following Google Form if you're interested, more details are on the form!

Fill out the Google Form Here


Hi all! Time for some fun announcements! First off its finally time for the Second Part of our Thank You raffle, with four babies up for raffle, and secondly we have some amazing updates to our site! So read on for all this awesomeness!


Thank you Raffle Part 2!

As a follow up to the Thank You Raffle, we are now raffling off the four remaining babies from the breeding raffle! As with the first half of the raffle, this raffle is free to enter for all members (besides the winners of the first raffle), and every member can claim thier free ticket by submitting a claim! On your claim, please select Add Reward, the select "Raffle Ticket" category, and then select the Thank You 2023 Raffle Part 2 option!

The raffle will draw 4 winners, who will get to pick from these new Puppypillars or Snailkittens!

PUP-344 | PUP-345

SNIL-086 | SNIL-087

The Raffle will end in Two Weeks, on July 3rd at Midnight Site time!
Click here to view the raffle!

Site updates galore!

andie has been hard at work updating our site, and has been quite a busy bee lately! Not only has he updated our PHP version, he has also added the following updates:

  • Aliases have been updated to include Toyhouse as an Alias! Members can now sign up using Toyhouse as an alias (rather than Deviantart if they don't have a dA account)! Members can update thier aliases on the Alias Settings page!
  • The Pronouns extension has been added, members can now add custom pronouns on the settings page, which will display on the member's profile, on comments they make, and on prompts/claims they make!
  • The Birthday Gift extension has been added! Going forward, members will recieve a Special Occasion Present on the month of your birthday! Enjoy!
  • The Prize Codes extension has been added, which we will be able to use to distrubute free gifts in the future!
  • The Emotes extension has also been added, which can be used on comments! Right now you can use any item as emotes in comments/text input areas, but we will add more emotes soon!

A huge thanks goes out to andie for all his hard work on these updates!

Misc updates and reminders!
  • Arcane Fauna MYOs have been added to the Nuggie Shack for 10 Nuggies ($10) each! All four types are available!
  • Our Pride Fundraiser is ongoing through July 7th! The YCH, Nuggies Sale, and Draw the Character Above game will be going on until then! We appriciate all the love and support with the adopt set!
  • Guest Artist opening soon! We will be opening up guest artist applications soon, for a set of Arcane Fauna to get more of those out into the world! Keep an eye on the news for updates!

Thats all the updates for now! :D Enjoy!


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