[Plot] Stray magic shenanigans!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Provie


Jake barker here, interrupting your usual programming to bring you a special report regarding the situation with magic in our world. I'll keep this brief friends, but this is important! I've just recieved correspondance from a team of some of our area's strongest magic users, who have been working together to try and find a solution to the issues that we've been experiencing! 

Our magic users have detected some anomalous magic pockets throughout our area, apparantly these pockets have been lurking around since earlier this year, around when all this trouble started, but they have been so far, naked to the puppillar eye. This surely must be related to our issues, so we are putting out the call for anyone who is able to investigate these pockets of magic!

Thankfully with the help of the magic users we have been in contact with, these magic pockets are now visible thanks to thier skills in magic! We do urge anyone going out there to be careful, we don't know what can happen with these magic pockets yet. Direct contact with magic can be dangerous, as anything can happen, but we have been advised that any effects will be temporary, and we have also learned this fact by my wonderful boyfriend Rover's overzealousness in heading to one of these magic pockets. He isn't on the air with me right now because he has become tiny, but we have been told he will be back to his regular size soon enough. So if you're prepared for an adventure where anything can happen, please brave these magic pockets and let us know what happens!

PLOT STEP THREE: Tracking down magic pockets!


Thanks to the help of a few puppillars and snailcats with strong connetctions to magic, a symptom of our world's magic being on the fritz has been discovered, stray pockets of magic have appeared on the continent. Now that we are able to detect these pockets of magic, its time to go out there and see what's happening with these pockets, and if we can do something with them to help the situation! 

Main Activity:  Depict your character interacting with a pocket of stray magic! These pockets can cause some crazy random magical effects, so use your imagination to decide what happens to your character when they interact with the pocket of magic. Any effects or changes are temporary, so feel free to have some fun changing yoyr character's appearance, or depicting them with a fun new magic power!

Mini Activity: Time for a scavenger hunt! There are five pockets of stray magic hidden around the site for members to collect! The magic pockets will appear on various areas of the site, when you find one, simply click the orb when it appears and it will be added to your inventory! At any time, you can check your progress on the scavenger hunt by clicking this link

<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=<a href=
(All the hunt targets are identical and award the same item, the Shed Arcane Magic!)

Some things to note about the scavenger hunt:

  • The Magic Pockets will not be hidden on Character Masterlist Entries or Member Profiles
  • Do not share the locations or links to any of the magic pockets with others, or give hints to others. This is considered cheating, anyone found doing so will 
  • Please be respectful of other people's experiences when discussing the scavenger hunt, including discussing how "hard" or "easy" a location may be, since everyone will have a different experience!
  • The scavenger hunt will end at the end of the day (site time) on May 31st!
Activity Guidelines:
  1. Members do not need to own a Puppillar or Snailcat in order to participate, members are free to use any of our NPCs, or draw other member's characters (with their permission!)
  2. Main Activities must be submitted to the Source of Magic Plot Gallery, and must be submitted to the Plot: Source of Magic Prompt to receive the designated rewards and count for plot participation
  3. Art/writing submissions must be worth at least 20 treats to be valid for plot participation and individual advancement
    1. Details on Treat values for art/writing can be found at our Currencies, Items, and Awards Page
  4. Members can complete each activity once per member
Plot Step Prize(s)

For completing the Main Activity, members will be rewarded with 100 Treats!


For completing the Mini Activity, members will be rewarded with the magic pockets they find.... which have an extra surprise that will be revealed!!


If the plot participation threshold is met before the end of the month, all of our plot step reveals will be revealed early, which inclide a Journal Entry by Rover Wagstaff, the end story of this chapter,  and another very special reveal which you're not gonna wanna miss!


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