Site News

Advanced Dungeon Doggos

Posted 28 October 2020, 20:04:29 CDT by Provie
Update 2/28/2020: Chapter 5 is now available!
A special bonus of Two Raffle Tickets will be awarded to everyone who makes at least one post in each chapter!
Chapter 5, and the other chapters, will remain open for two weeks, closing March 14th at Midnight Site time.
The Adopt Raffle will be Rolled on March 15th, so get those tickets in!


Welcome To advanced Dungeon Doggos!

Alabaster's library has always been a popular place for readers to hang out and discuss books, but over the years its served well as a community center where puppillars gather for club meeting and games.  Eventually, the legendary Puppillar started to take an interest in some of the games, and as an extremely well read puppillar, makes an excellent dungeon master. With the weather getting cooler, now is the perfect time to hole up in the cozy library around the gaming table! Alabaster has been hard at work on a story for all the puppillars out there, and everyone is welcome at his table!


How to get started!

To participate in the event, each member must fill out at least one Character Sheet for one of thier Puppillars/Snailcats (or an NPC/Raffle Puppillar if you don't have any yet). The character sheet is similar to a character meme for people to fill out, and inlcudes an area for a portrait, some simplified stats, and some info to help nail down your character.

Click here for the character sheet and instructions on how to fill it out!

How to participate in the adventure

Throughout the event, parts of the story will be posted on the Dungeon Doggos Hub, and members will be tasked with responding to the Chapters with what thier character would do in order to advance through the story! Members will recieve a base amount of event points for each response, and bonus "inspiration" points for responding using character info from thier character sheet.

Chapters will be released every week, on Sundays, and after being released, each Chapter will remain oprn until the end of the event on March 7th, 2021

Click Here to view the Dungeon Doggos Hub!

Bonus prompt!

As part of the event, we are also running a bonus prompt to earn some more event points. Simply draw or write about your character participatng in the game, either in character or out of character! For this prompt, you will earn Event Points equal to the Treats value of your piece!

Click here to see the prompt!

prize shop

You can spend your Event Points at the Event Shop to purchase all manner of fun gaming items, or raffle tickets for our Raffle Adopts!!

Click here to see the Event Shop!

Adopt raffle

As part of the event, we are having an Adopt Raffle, which will be drawn after the event is concluded! Our artists have made some awesome DnD themed adopts! Raffle tickets can be purhcased in the Event Shop! 

To add your tickets to the Raffles, please submit a Claim, adding the ticket item(s) to the claim, and adding the raffles you would like the tickets to go through as a reward by selecting Raffle Ticket as a Reward and selecting the raffle you want to add the ticket to. Please also list the tickets requested in the comments so staff can double check!

The Adopts are as follows (click the character code under each to see the masterlist entry!)

Pup-210 Fighter  by Provie | Pup-212 Rogue by Cedar (alt image)

Pup-211 Ranger by Nhrive | SNIL-015 Ranger's Companion by Nhrive
These two come as a Pair (alt image of them together)

Pup-213 Bard by tgi | Pup-214 Mindflayer by Nhrive

Pup-215 Wizard by tgi (alt image)

Random Encounters

As a fun extra for the event, there will be some Random Encounters popping up in our Discord Server! This will operate similarly to the Haunted Server event from last October, where some companions will ne Popping up in a special channel in the server. Members will have an opurtunity to win the companion by posting in the channel! Keep an eye out during the event and bring home some friends! To make sure you are alerted for new Random Encounters, don't forget to give yourself the Server Events role on the Discord! 

Companions and QoL!

Posted 17 January 2021, 20:12:05 CST by Provie

Hi everyone! Some small updates for everyone today!

New companions!

There are some new companions in The Companion Shop! Make some friends with some Capybaras, Shrimp, and Ducks today!





Quality of life improvements

With the upgrades and fixes to the site, there have also been some great Quality of Life updates added to lorekeeper!

  • You can now see your currencies on the Shops page, and in each shop!
  • When creating MYO slots, you now select the artist/designer's On-site username from a drop down list, rather than having to use dA name. For non-members, you can still use the Designer URL and Artist URL boxes!
  • You can now set a Gift Writing Status, just like with Gift Art, that will display on your character's masterlist page and can be utilized in the search. Just like Gift Art, you can select Yes, No, or Ask First!
  • You can now add a Content Warning to Gallery entries, please utilize it if needed!
  • The Auto-watermarking system allows the Owner of a charcater to view the unwatermarked version, so no more waiting on someone to send the separate files, though artists may still send bonus images/larger images, etc, at thier discretion!
    • Please note, that older masterlist entries have been manually watermarked, so the feature doesn't work on these images currently.
    • Provie is currently currently working on slowly re-uploading all the masterlist images she can find. If you are interested in having an older pup re-uploaded, please feel free to DM her on discord and provide the un-watermarked images. These re-uploads will also include uploading acessory/non-accessory version, if those can be found as well!
Open adopts roundup!

Here are the currently open adopts we have! Please read the individual sales posts for full details!

259_TbxgauELZb.pngSNIL-007 - Currently OTA - Sales Post Here


SNIL-008 - Currently OTA - Sales Post Here


Pupp-206 and SNIL-012 - Currently OTA with $15 buyout - Sales Post Here


SNIL-013 - $20 - Sale Post Here

And we're back!!

Posted 4 January 2021, 17:30:43 CST by Provie

Update 1/15/2021

More Fixes!

  • Awards can now be attached as rewards for Prompts and Claims, and many other small things have been fixed!
  • The only thing thats still being worked on is updating Social Media on user profiles, and some minor things on the Masterlist (that we have a workaround for now anyway)
  • HUGE praise to andie for rolling out the bug fixes!!

Other Updates!

  • There are only three days left to enter the Discord New Year's Raffle, so get those entries in!
  • Now that we are back in working order, we are in a good place where we will be able to launch a big event we have been working on soon! Keep an eye out for an event to start Early February!
  • More Awards coming soon! I have a list of ideas to work on, so hopefully will be bringing more on site soon!

Update: 1/11/2021

A few small updates!
  • The Gallery is back! Any recent art may now be submitted to the gallery! With the gallery back, the Treats Queue Prompt will be retired, all treat rewards for art will be distributed through the Gallery itself!
  • We are able to add characters to the Masterlist again, so new friends will be here soon!
  • Adding Awards as rewards on Prompts/Claims is currently not working, so there will be a delay in processing claims for rewards, but feel free to get them in and they will be processed as soon as we can!
  • We will keep everyone posted on more fixes are they come!
New Year's Raffle!

Happy New Year everyone! To celebrate,  we are raffling off a Puppillar and Snailcat on our Discord Server! For full details, please check out our #discord-giveaways channel on the Discord!


Puppillar #209 by Remy

Snailcat #014 by Provie

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! To start out 2021 we have some exciting new announcements for everyone!


Our gallery and other features are back!

In case you haven't noticed, most the features that were temporarily suspended have returned, including our Sales posts, Mementos, Lore/Guide page organization, and comments have all returned! We are glad to be able to get the ball rolling again! 

There are still a few things that are a bit buggy, including adding images to the gallery, adding new characters to out masterlist, viewing the list of users,  and updating social media links, so bear with us for a bit! We will update everyone when those have been fixed! If you come across any other issues, please let us know i the comments below, or in the  #website-issues channel in our Discord!

Staff changes

As we head into 2021, we are sad to announce that Phoenix has stepped down from the admin team. We are so so happy to have worked with them, and wish them good luck with thier studies, and will be glad to see them around the group in the future! We love you Pheo, thank you SO MUCH for all your hard work! 

At the current time, we are not looking to add any more staff, but if there is an opening in the future, there will be announcement!

Guest Adopt Sets

As you may have seen, we have some amazing guest adopts available from PromptoBeans and uzkost! Three Adopts are still available, so grab them while you still can!

Click here to see PromptoBeans' Guest Set

Click here to see Uzkost's Guest Set

In additon, the two OTA snailcat adopts (by Remy and Provie) are available to be offered on again!
Click here to see the Punk Snailcat | Click here to see the Yarn and Spots Snailcat

New awards

Need a new Year's Resolution? Well, we have you covered with some brand new Awards to collect, including an Award for everyone who participated in the Garden Event! For full details on all the new Awards and how to claim them, please refer to the Awards Guide!





Chance's Gacha Generosity Extension

As announced previously, the bonus for Chance's Gacha Generosity has been extended, and the new deadline for the extension will be January 31st 2020! Get that art in for the bonus before then, and enjoy the bonus!

new events coming soon

We have a few fun events coming down the pipeline! There will be small event sometime soon, a New Year's Raffle on discord, and a bigger event sometime after that which will involve a fun adventure! We are super excited to bring both to you soon!

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who continues to support Puppillars! 2020 was a crazy year for everyone, and the craziness doesn't seem to be over, but we are holding on and that's what matters! Though there have been some bumps in the road, we are excited to bring you content in 2021! Love you all, and hope this turns out to be a good year for everyone! - Provie

Temporary Changes!

Posted 21 December 2020, 22:21:23 CST by Provie

Hey everyone! Posted a short announcement in discord, but will post here as well:

You may have noticed that a few site features have been temporarily removed, such as the Gallery and the Sales page! The amazing Andie is hard at work upgrading our site's PHP so they can return. Because its a big upgrade, and due to the holidays, these might be down for a little bit. In the meantime....

  •  The open Sales (Two cute snailcats!!) will be reposted at a later date
  •  Any art that needs to be submitted to a prompt, you can submit using a dA link, imgur link, or discord link
  •  We have some Guest Artist adopts coming out shortly, which will be posted as a news post!
  •  The lore and tutorial pages are all consolidated on the same page for the time being
  • Mementos will be MIA temporarily, but will be restored when the fixes are made
  • Comments are temporarily disabled

Depending how quick this can be figured out, we will extend the bonus for Chance's Gacha Generosity, and may have to postpone some stuff, but will try to do some more fun stuff like Streams and maybe a discord event in the meantime.

Thank you all so much for your support!!! Hope everyone is having a safe and pleasant holiday season!

Chance's Tidings to you!

Posted 29 November 2020, 17:55:20 CST by Provie


The gacha pup is back!

Everyone's favorite gambling enabler is back! Chance has re-opened his Gacha shop and has some awesome new Gacha Capsules for sale. Each capsule contains its own pool of items, with the items getting rarer as the capsule rarity goes up. Each capsule has the chance to win MYOs, with varying odds, through other treasures such as special Chance Themed items can also be found exclusively in these capsules!



A must have for any Chance Fan!!!

Chance's gacha generosity bonus

For the month of December, the rewards for Chance's Gacha Generosity have been doubled! This month is a good time to rack up some extra treats and Gacha Tokens to try your luck at Chance's shop! Since December is the season of giving, doing gift art for others will net you that nice bonus! Enjoy making some Puppillar giftart this month!

The prompt can be found under General Prompts!

Guest artist applications open!

As another special treat for December, we have opened up Guest Artist Applications! We are seeking two guest artists to make two adoptables each, one Puppillar and one Snailcat, to hopefully be posted during the month of December, or early January. If you are interested, please check out our Guest Artist Tutorial, and then submit an application via the prompt, which can be found in General Prompts! Guest Artist applications will close December 7th 2020, at midnight site time!

Open adopts roundup!

There are two Great Snailcat adopts still open!

Punk Snailcat by Remy - Open for OTA!


Yarn and Spots Snailcat by Provie - Now accepting Art offers



Grab them while you can!


We hope these little updates will tide you over a bit this winter! Things in the world have been crazy, so we haven't been able to get out as much new content this year as we have hoped, but we have been glad to put out some new stuff, and are looking towards 2021 for even more awesome things to be added to the site! Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement with Puppillars!!

Galleries/Awards & more!

Posted 21 October 2020, 21:08:42 CDT by Provie

We have some amazing new features rolling out, and some stuff to look forward to!


Our gallery is now on site! A HUGE thanks to Mercury for creating this awesome extension, and to andie for getting it set up on out site! With this, we have taken our final step to being completely independent from Deviantart! This means that going forward, it will not be required to post art to Deviantart, and required to submit to our on-site gallery

The gallery submission process is similar to dA's interface, where you can add a title and a description, but also has awesome additional features such as being able to list collaborators, selecting the prompt a piece is for, and being able to list characters featured in each submission, which will add the image to the character's on site gallery! Gallery submissions can be favorited and commented on by other users as well!

In order to submit to a gallery, simply head on over to the Gallery and click the blue plus sign next to the gallery you want to submit to, and work from there! For any images submitted to the gallery, you will still have to submit to any prompts to receive rewards, with the exception of treats, which are bult into the gallery.  The old Treats Queue prompt has now been retired! You may now use the link to the gallery submission on site in the URL field on any prompts!

We look forward to seeing everyone's submissions in the future!



Mementos have been moved over to the Awards System! For this one, a huge thanks to tgi who created this extension, and of course the amazing andie for setting it up on site. All Mementos have been moved onto the new system, and should already be reflected on your account (you may have noticed some notifications of item removal and award granting)! If there are any awards missed from this transfer, let us know in the comments below or on Discord, and we'll fix it asap!

With this new system, we are going to work on adding some more Awards to the site, including some fun general awards for people to work towards! If you have any suggestions for Awards, feel free to let us know in the comments, or on Discord!



Lore pages have been slightly reorganized! The Lore Pages extension now features Categories for our pages, which can bee accessed on the Encyclopedia, but we have also added some Quick Links to the Info dropdown as well, so you can quickly jump to each of these categories! As far as info goes, we have also moved info about Guest Artist Opportunities to our list, accessible under our ARPG Tutorials. Guest Artist applications are currently closed, but any openings will be posted to the news, so keep an eye out!



We have been working behind the scenes on our next big event, so look forward to some fun activities coming your way soon! Besides our big event, we are also planning a small activity on our Discord for the week of Halloween! If you're not a member of our Discord, now is a good time to check it out! The activity will be fairly simple, and won't involve making any art, and is just meant to be a fun casual activity!


That's all for now! Things have been changing and improving pretty quickly on our site, and likewise I hope there have been improvements in all of your lives as well. 2020 has been a wild ride, but we have all been doing our best to stick it out, and I am proud of each and every one of you for keeping going and hopefully trying to make improvements on your own lives! I'm always grateful for all your support, and want you all to know that you have my support as well! My DMs are always open if anyone needs me! - Provie

Introducing Snailcats!!!

Posted 13 October 2020, 20:49:05 CDT by Provie

The cat's out of the bag!

Hi everyone!!! Big exciting news today, with the introduction of our first Subspecies, Snailcats!!!!! 


This is Jasper, our first NPC Snailcat!

Snailcats can be used in our ARPG, just like Puppillars, and co-habitate the Puppillar world! To introduce them better, we have put together a handy dandy guide on Snailcats,  just like we have for Puppillars!

Click here to see the snailcat guide!

One of the exciting things about Snailcats is that Snailcat MYOs will only available for purchase using our ARPG currency. All MYO levels will always be available in Apollo's Shop, including a special One Time Free Snailcat MYO, so that each member can start out with one free new friend (or start out with one free character if they are new)! So go claim your free friend today!!

In addition to the MYOs, Provie has also created four Snailcat Adopts in order to celebrate the new subspecies! Each has a startind bid of only $5!



Click here to check out the auction!

Now that the (snail)cat's out of the bag, we'll tell you a secret, the special prize for completing all three prompts for the Garden Event will be a Super Rare Snailcat MYO! So if you want one, you have a little bit of time to squeeze those entries in! If anyone is interested in an extension on the event, let us know in the comments, and we'll see if there's enough interest!

We have been sitting on these babies for a WHILE! Remember the snailcat racing from last year's carnival? We hope you love these new friends as much as we do! We look forward to everyone's creative designs!



Two more small news items!

First off, in order to have some Magic Potions in circulation, Chance has a stock of both Mini and Major Magic Potions in his Gacha Shop,  available for purchase in Gacha Tokens! If you need Gacha Tokens, remember you can earn them by doing gift art for others and submitting it to Chance's Gacha Generosity, which can be found in our prompts section!

Second, there's currently an issue where we can't price shop items for 0 treats, which means we have temporarily priced the Welcome Gift and Free Snailcat MYO Shell at 1 treat each. If you would like to grab either now, we can refund your treat through claims! Just submit a claim and we will dispense 1 whole treat. Sorry for the inconvienience!  This issue has now been fixed! If you purchased a "free item" before it was fixed, you may still send a claim for a refund!

Auctions and Comments!

Posted 9 October 2020, 20:56:02 CDT by Provie

Hi everyone! A few brief announcements for you on this Friday night! Hope everyone had a good week, and is looking forward to a fun weekend! 


Comments are here!!

Thanks to the awesome work of andie and tgi comments are now live on our site! This means that you can now post comments on news posts, trade listing, and user profiles! This will be super awesome and give us a lot more flexibility with activities and events, and also help us to not rely on  deviantart for things like adopt sales!


New sales section is here!

Speaking of sales, we have a new Sales section,  which will be home for all our adoptable sales/auctions/OTAs going forward! This section works just like the news section, and has comments enabled as well, so it will be super easy to run all things adopt there!


Legendary auctions live!

As mentioned in the last news post, the custom Legendary Puppillar Auctions are live! The customs will be done by Startail and Monte so bid away! The auctions will end 24 hours after the last bid!


New shop items!

The result of last weekend's items stream are now available in the shops!

Three new bandanas are available in the Clothing Shop:


Six new companions are available in the Companion Shop

And these two fall gourds are available in the Garden Shop:


(these two items are available to purchase using treats!)


More new items coming soon!

The item art stream last week was super fun, so Provie is hoping to have more in the future! Keep an eye on the discord for any spur of the moment streams, and in the meantime, please use the comments to suggest new items of any type! 

Thanks for reading!

October News Roundup!!

Posted 2 October 2020, 13:30:00 CDT by Provie

Happy October everyone! We hope everyone is staying safe and staying warm as Fall approaches (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway), we have a bunch of updates, both big and small, so figured it was about time for a roundup! 


Garden event coming to a close soon!

We hope you all have been enjoying the Gardening Event! The event will be ending on October 15th, so get those entries in. I know I've said it over and over, but the bonus prize for completing all three prompts is gonna be really fun! The Garden Shop will continue to accept Garden Points until November 1st, and afterwards it will re-open as a permanent shop where the items will be available for treats, and more items will be added as time goes on!

After the event we will be releasing a significant feature, related to the bonus prize, so keep an eye out for an announcement after the event ends!


Site updates

First all, I would like to give a huge shoutout to andie and tgi both of them have been very amazing when it comes to bringing updates to the site, Andie is our main website person, but TGI's help has also been very important as more extensions have been added to the site! Thank you SO MUCH to the both of you, from the bottom of my (Provie's) heart.

Here are some great updates that have been added to the site:

  • Members can now edit their profile to add an Avatar and links to Discord, Instagram, Archive of Our Own, and Toyhouse!
  • Masterlist character pages have gotten a lot of improvements:
    • Trade Offer Status and Gift Art Status are now represented with Icons on the character page
    • Gift Art Status can now have "Ask First" selected
    • You can now add a Profile Link to your character, which will appear as an icon on their page
  • MYO Slots are now Useable from your inventory, and will automatically convert to a MYO slot of the correct rarity!
  • The News Link on the layout, now highlight and displays a little bell icon when there is a new news post!
  • On the back end, Auto Watermarking is now helping the admins process stuff with less steps, sometimes we get tiiiny watermarks which is funny and fine
  • Trait Search is fixed, as well as being able to view the Masterlist as a guest/without being logged in
  • We have made some changes to the Navigation Layout, the Info Tab now has some quick links to All Items, All Traits, and All Info Pages


New Lore Page organization

Partially related to site updates, but big enough that I'll give it its own section since theres some additions to the entries as well! We now have an amazing landing page for all of our Info Pages, right now there are three categories, Basics, Tutorials, and Lore! It is reccomended that you read these tutorials and lore, as they will benefit your Puppillars exerience, and expand our world for you!

Here are some new and updated things for everyone to poke around in on our info pages:

  • About Us has added sections for Staff Roles and an Affiliate section, which we will be adding onto soon! If you have a closed species and would like to be added as an affilliate, message Provie !
  • The Start Guide and FAQs have been expanded a bit to add first steps for new or returning members, as well as the start of adding some FAQs! If you have any ideas of things that should be added to the FAQs, please let us know!
  • A Puppillars Species Guide have been added with some basics about long dogs! 
  • The MYO Tutorial has been updated with some clarifications (Masterlist images should be Transparent, credit is by dA name) and edited to reflect that MYOs are useable!


Item art stream soon!

To start out spooky season/fall, Provie will be doing an item art Stream on 10/3 at 3pm site time (CST), through Discord! She will be drawing new items and companions, and taking suggestions for them, all new stuff will have a Fall or Spooky theme! Come and hang for a chill time and enjoy some art and hangs! Make sure you join Our Discord if  you haven't already!


200 puppillar raffle!

WOW! Time flies, we already have 200+ amazing Puppillars on our site! Thank you all so much for supporting us as we have grown over the year or so we have been open! To celebrate this milestone, we will be raffling off some pre-made Pupps, and Auctioning off TWO Legendary Puppilar Customs, for uppillar #150 and Puppillar # 200 respectively! 

The Pupps up for raffle are:


To enter the raffle, simply submit a claim requesting a ticket! One ticket will be available per member!
The raffle will close for entries on October 15th at Midnight Site Time!

The Auctions will be posted soon, and artists for the Auctions are TBD, so keep an eye out!


What we're working on next!

A New Event!
We are working on a new event we are hoping to launch at the end of October! Since we are coming off the Gardening Event, this one will be small as well, but we have a few new fun things planned. We will also be releasing a smal site feature to go along with the conclusion, so be ready!

Chance's Gacha Shop!
Are Gacha tokens burning a hole in your pocket? We are working on opening Chance's Gacha Shop, will have Capsules for sale at different rarities, with varying prizes. Our current push here is adding items to the site so theres a lot of fun stuff to round out the capsules, so they can truly be a surprise each time! There will be a few items exclusive to Chance's Gachas as well!

We will be adding an extension to our site soon that will allow members to comment on news posts, trading post listings, certain pages, and on user profiles! This will be a great step forward to our site, and both expand what we can do with events and make it easier to host adopt auctions right on site, rather than on Deviantart! We will be making an announcement when this is live!

Thank you all so much for your support and participation! Puppillars would not be as awesome as it is without our amazing members, and we strive to bring more fun content for you guys!

Let's Clean Up This Lot!

Posted 2 September 2020, 14:45:00 CDT by Provie

As you're walking down the street to your favorite bakery, to pick up your favorite treat because you deserve it for making it through the week, you see a younger Puppillar pacing in front of a very dirty lot. The lot is covered from head to toe, from ivy growing up the side of an abandon shop , glass shards all over the ground, crushed soda cans strewn about,  some shoes left abandoned, and a pile of tires leaning over precariously. The young puppillar is talking to themself about how to even start cleaning up this mess.

You've only made it a couple of steps past them before starting to feel pretty bad for this pup. So you turn back around and decide to ask why they wanna clean up this lot. The puppillar jumps up, startled. "Oh, sorry I didn't even see you there.... Well I wanna give my grandpa a store so he can enjoy and share his hobby of gardening with everyone! And this lot is perfect, but needs a lot of work, I'm not sure I can do it alone.

Your heart melts for this pup, and you volunteer to help them with this huge task, since no pupp deserves to hold such huge task on their shoulders alone, certainly not this pup doing something so sweet for thier grandpa. Before you know it you're texting some friends to come over and they text their friends and soon you have a small army to help clean up!

And you set to work on this little lot to make it look nice and to encourage others to do the same with nearby lots!


How Can You Help?


This event is prompt  and claim based, and members will recieve Garden Points based on the prompt they complete! The event will have three phases, and each phase will have a new prompt released! Members who participate in all phases will recieve a special prize at the end of the event, so make sure you participate in all three! Once a prompt is released, it will be available for the remainder of the event.

Members may claim one extra point per day by using the Claims Feature, simply submit a claim saying you are claiming a garden point!

The prompt will change for each phase of the event,  and can be found here with all instructions! Each completed prompt will earn 10 garden points!


Prize shop:

For this event, we have a prize shop, hosted by the lovely Pupp and his Grandpa! They will be providing lovely garden themed items for anyone who helps clean up the lot! 

The prize shop is located here!