Comments on [Plot] Something's Amiss in the Puppillars World...

Provie Avatar
Provie Staff Member
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You're on the line with Jake from the Daily Bark! Please tell me all about your experience with magic, what kind of issues have you seen?

2023-01-01 13:32:03 (Edited 2023-01-01 13:32:46)

Hawkins Avatar
Hawkins Staff Member

Sprinkle clears his throat before leaning into the phone. “Jake, it’s a good thing someone is on this case. I thought I mighta been going crazy, but now I know I’m not!” He pauses for dramatic effect before continuing, “I was hanging out with my puppies the other day when all of a sudden Zikkle starts calling out for me to look. I look, obviously. He’s got this cute little trick where he can turn his mop of hair into a copy of my worm scarf. It’s adorable. Except this time, he couldn’t do it. He tried and he tried - poor kid was so upset. But then…” He pauses again, imagining his horrified audience. “Strawberry’s hair pops right off his darn head and starts wriggling around! Zikkle gave Strawb’s hair the wiggles!!! Scared the poor pup half to death! Now they’re both upset. Side note, but I don’t suppose you know any good pupsitters…”

2023-01-31 23:15:14

Hawkins Avatar
Hawkins Staff Member

Sprinkle clears his throat before leaning into the phone. “Jake, it’s a good thing someone is on this case. I thought I mighta been going crazy, but now I know I’m not!” He pauses for dramatic effect before continuing, “I was hanging out with my puppies the other day when all of a sudden Zikkle starts calling out for me to look. I look, obviously. He’s got this cute little trick where he can turn his mop of hair into a copy of my worm scarf. It’s adorable. Except this time, he couldn’t do it. He tried and he tried - poor kid was so upset. But then…” He pauses again, imagining his horrified audience. “Strawberry’s hair pops right off his darn head and starts wriggling around! Zikkle gave Strawb’s hair the wiggles!!! Scared the poor pup half to death! Now they’re both upset. Side note, but I don’t suppose you know any good pupsitters…”

2023-01-31 23:15:14

Shrike Avatar

A grey and black Puppillar calls in, fluttering their wings in nervous agitation.

"My magical ability usually lets me communicate with spiders!" Lanius barked, pushing their glasses back up their snout with a paw. "But since this whole thing started, I can only talk to SCORPIONS!" They sniffed.

"I mean, they're still arachnids, so that's something," they continued. "But how will I ask my pet spider what type of tea she wants each day? She's so particular!"

They dissolve into hiccupping sobs on the line.

2023-01-31 19:09:37

Howee Avatar
Howee Staff Member

"Good afternoon, my name is Rexy" they answered the voice from the phone.
"What seems to be the magic trouble, Rexy?" the voice asked and Rexy started to explain what they've just seen.
"I was just on a stroll in Bark Park when a fluffy puppillar's coat got covered in coal! But there was no coal around, it's as if it was magic! And the pup itself seemed in distress from the sudden coal as well, so i don't think it was some magic on purpose. Is that what you're looking for?"
Rexy breathed in, finally letting their thoughts out. The voice on the other end of the call stayed silent for a while, Rexy could only hear some scribbling with a pen.
"Thank you for informing us. This information seems to be valuable - remember to watch the news to learn about all the newest hot information!" and with that, the phone call ended.

2023-01-21 12:41:38

AcuteExposure Avatar

PUP-273, Sasha, is here to call in!

"It was a normal day, right?" She says, in a way that implies she's gesturing vaguely on the other line. "Mars was trying to teach our kid, Skipper, some simple spells. She says that it's good to teach them while they're still young. All of the sudden, though, as Skipper's waving around their paws to do a simple light spell, but then they start floating - and then flying all over the place! Probably fun for a baby, but definitely not for us parents. It took us almost half an hour to catch them! I really hope this gets sorted out soon... Mars isn't happy about putting Skipper's studies on hold."

2023-01-08 12:04:36