Comments on Z - Dungeon Doggos Chapter 2

AcuteExposure Avatar

Rolled 1d6, and got a 4!

Snowstorm was unfortunate enough to encounter an owlbear in the wild, and boy, did it look mad. However, she thought through something she'd heard before - owlbears usually aren't vicious, they normally only attack anything if they're afraid that their young is in danger.

"It's okay," She said, in a soft tone of voice, "I'm not here to hurt you, or your chicks if there's any nearby..." She knew that owlbears couldn't speak common, but she hoped that just her body language and voice would be enough to calm it down - she didn't want to have to hurt it.

Snowstorm is rolling her tail stat to show the owlbear that she's a friend, not foe!

2021-02-24 17:04:14

Provie Avatar
Provie Staff Member

The owlbear puffs up its feathers and fur, watching Snowstorm carefully...

Snowstorm rolls a 9 + 5, for a total of 14, succeeding!

The owlbear seems wary at first, but after a tense moment, decides that Snowstorm isn't a threat. The owlbear hoots towards the woods, and Snowstorm is able to watch a pair of owlbear cubs run out of the underbrush, following after their momma as she heads into the woods on the other side of the path. A rare sight indeed!

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2021-02-25 20:20:14