Profile SNIL-022: Isa

Owned by Pooka

Defining Characteristic: LAZY

Isa is grumpy at the moment because she's impatient to learn magic... She thinks crawling is the most annoying and inefficient thing ever, and wishes she could just fly around (re: levitate) instead. She also wants to take shortcuts in getting to that point, so she's using a magic crystal to artificially enhance her magical skills rather than taking the time to learn from scratch. It is speeding things up, but she's still not quite there yet. Surely, this won't come back to bite her in the foot later...

The quickest way to irritate Isa even further is to enquire about her "chubby cheeks." Those hamster-looking poofs are in fact large, singular cheek fluffs. She hates them, but all attemps to groom them into separate bits always make them look worse, so she's given up.


OOC// Isa is glaring at me in her picture. She will continue to glare until I earn her the magic potion so she can levitate.  GOSH, I just drew your picture!! Give me a minute, you impatient butt! >80

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