[Holiday] Snailcat Racing Season 2024!
Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by ProvieUpdate 4/8
And the winner is..... NAROMI! Congrats! I will be doing some champion art for Naromi soon, as well as add new trading card item of our new winner! Thanks to everyone for participating! In addition, Naromi's new official trading card can now be found in the Snailcat Racing Season Goodie Bag!
Click here to view the final bracket!
THE most popular sporting event of the year, Snailcat Racing, is back once again! Snailcats across the continent have been training since last year's race, hoping to make it to the winner's podium. Last year, Morpheus took first place, but it's anyone's race this year! Is your Snailcat up to the challenge?
Races are the main event during this holiday, but around the grounds of the races is also a celebration and a carnival atmosphere which anyone can enjoy! There will be some fun games to play, and a prize booth with lots of fun stuff!!
Time for snailcat racing season!
This year, for Snailcat Racing season, we will be having the big race as well as carnival games for everyone to participate in throughout the race! Read on for all the details!
snailcat racing
Members can sign up one of thier Snailcats (or snailkittens!) for the big race, and after the signups we will have bracketed matchups each week to determine who wins. Members can cheer for snailcats in the race every day, and winners for the matchups will be determined with a randomizer weighted by the amount of cheers each racer gets, so the underdog (or undersnailcat!) defintely has a chance to win! The winner will only be for bragging rights, and a bit of art from Provie, and the chance to appear on a trading card item, all of the holiday tickets prizes will be earned by cheering on the racers!
Racing Schedule
March 1st - March 10th: Signups open for Snailcat Racers (one per member)
March 11 - March 17th: Round 1 Matchups
(click here for this week's bracket!)
March 18th - 24th: Round 2 Matchups
(click here for this week's bracket!)
March 25th - March 31st: Round 3 Matchups
(click here for this week's bracket)
April 1st - April 7th: Final Round Matchups
(click here for this week's bracket)
Signup and Cheering Rules and Prize Details
- Members may sign up one of thier snailcats by commenting on this news post with the following details:
- Snailcat's Name
- Snailcat's Pronouns
- Link to the Snailcat's masterlist entry
- All signups must be commented by the end of the day on March 10th in order to join the race.
- During the rounds, all members (regardless of if they have a snail in the race) can cheer one snailcat from each matchup once per day by submitting a list of racers they wish to cheer via claims
- Members may not cheer for thier own character, and may opt out of cheering any matchup if they choose to. As long as you cheer for one of the available matchups you will collect your point
- Members will earn one Holiday Ticket per cheering claim, useable in the Holiday Shop!
- The Holiday Goodie Bag can be purchased in the Prize Booth for 5 Holiday Tickets, and will contain two Random Snailcat Racing items (with the pool being the medals, the plushies, and the trading cards!)
Carnival Games
To add on some extra fun to this event, we are also adding some limited time dailies, bringing back the games from the Bark Park Music Fest! Members will be able to play each game once per day to earn event points to use at the Prize Booth, where you can find some fun carnival themed items, as well as well as MYOs!
Each game is a roll on its respective Loot Table, which are as follows:
- Beanbag Toss - An even chance of winning 5, 7, or 10 Event Points
- Giant Tumble Tower - 25% chance to win 15 Event Points or 75% chance to win 3 Event Points
- Ducky Pond - Always win 5 Event Points and a Random (Non-Pride) Ducky item!
The Carnival Games will open on March 11th!
Click here to check out the dailies!
New items roundup
Here are all the fun new items for this Holiday, as well as where to get them!
Trading Cards - Found in Snailcat Racing Season Goodie Bags
Snailcat Shell Earrings - For sale in the Holiday Shop (permanent stock)
Snailcat Racing Trophies - For sale in the Holiday Shop (permanent stock)
Snailcat Balloons - For sale in the Carnival Prize Shop (shop will close shortly afetr the event ends)
Sketcher Any Pronouns
is it too late to sign up?
2024-03-11 14:50:26
Feature Comment
Provie Staff Member she/her
Yep, entrants are closed! But all members can participate in cheering on the racers, and doing the daily carnival games :)
2024-03-11 14:57:20
Feature Comment