Comments on Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Inkcess Avatar

Congratulations pupps!!!
- I really love how fun yet uncomplicated the events are, how welcoming the group is and the idea of chance's gacha! Ive also been trying to draw different types of dog anatomy thanks to pupps and I'm really grateful because I wouldn't have started otherwise.
- things I'd like to see in the future are...most definitely more people enjoying pupps and more Lore/world details

2021-02-02 22:34:26

Provie Avatar
Provie Staff Member

Thank you!! I like to make sure the events have some wiggle room... I know not everyone can fully dive in, so like to make them rewarding, even if people can only participate a little!!

More lore details is a great suggestion! I have a few ideas for lore entries, gotta get to work on writing them down.

Both your tickets have been added to the raffle!!

2021-02-03 13:35:55