Comments on October Events! Trick or Treat, Advent, Haunted Server!

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Positive about my life: I love my new lab so much, I truly feel so lucky to be there. I think after my experiences at my old lab, being in a place where I'm not continually anxious about what my future will look like, whether or not I will be bullied, or my research will be used without my permission, & I feel like a valued member of the lab is so refreshing and everyone IRL has remarked upon the positive change. And my new PI seems really pleased with my progress and the work I've been doing!

Positive about another member: I am really grateful to feel as if I've grown a lot closer to @Andie this year, from sharing a lot of our trials and tribulations in lab, to talking about characters and media we love, and even discussions about (a)romantic orientation. This has been such a big year for them from getting their masters and coming out as agender online, truly so proud of them and excited to see what is next in store!

2021-10-03 09:04:29