Comments on October Events! Trick or Treat, Advent, Haunted Server!

Provie Avatar
Provie Staff Member
Featured by Owner


Hi everyone!! I want everyone to know how loved they are!! So come help me spread the love!

Nikki's Prompt: Compliments and Positivity!!
Say something positive about your life, and leave a compliment for another member!

- All submissions must be comments in the reply to this comment!
- As stated above, please comment 1 positive thing and 1 compliment for another member
- Once you comment, submit the link to your comment to the Trick or Treat 2021 Prompt!

Kind Heart Ribbon + One Raffle Ticket
Kind Heart Ribbon

2021-10-01 09:19:15 (Edited 2021-10-01 10:08:09)

Oboe Avatar

Personal Positive: I've been so, so thankful for the multiple opportunities I've had recently, irl and online. I've applied for a couple of good jobs, joined a couple of community music groups, and am considering joining a local volunteer group in addition to the other ones I already do. I've also gotten to draw a lot and been happy about the results!

Compliment: I KNOW it seems "cheap" but I really have to compliment Provie for all that she's done here for us. She and the rest of staff have made such a WONDERFUL event and I can't wait to see it pan out this month!!

2021-10-07 12:30:20

Provie Avatar
Provie Staff Member

Positive thing: I'm really happy about getting the Pupps event up and running! I love pupps, and feel like I've been too busy to do much towards the end of summer but I'm super happy that the event and the advent could come together!!

Compliment: I'm gonna cheat and say that I love all the active members, they're what keeps me going with working on this project. I know the it still small but I'm always so happy to see everyone's art and MYOs and even just general chatting in the server!! I need to be better about being more chatty in the discord, keep those convos goin :D

2021-10-06 11:10:39

mewhaku Avatar

Something positive about my life:
Well I'd have to say I'm very thankful and lucky to be in the line of work I'm in, with caring and kind bosses [with their wacky hijinks], a flexible mainly work from home schedule, and the knowledge to create my own business essentially from what I do for my day job. [aka, antiques/jewelry selling]. I'm amazed I ended up in this position and am very thankful my boyfriend introduced me to it all. Plus, I got to study what I loved in school! [English/Philosophy] and it brings me joy still. =)

Compliment for another member: Aw man everyone in Pupps is lovely, but I must say @Mouse as my friend and admin over in World of Lingua just amazes me all the time. Mouse is such a strong person and someone I admire! I don't know how to else to phrase that, but I just am so thankful to have Mouse in my life. =D

2021-10-04 20:16:29

Shrike Avatar

Positive about my life: I love my new lab so much, I truly feel so lucky to be there. I think after my experiences at my old lab, being in a place where I'm not continually anxious about what my future will look like, whether or not I will be bullied, or my research will be used without my permission, & I feel like a valued member of the lab is so refreshing and everyone IRL has remarked upon the positive change. And my new PI seems really pleased with my progress and the work I've been doing!

Positive about another member: I am really grateful to feel as if I've grown a lot closer to @Andie this year, from sharing a lot of our trials and tribulations in lab, to talking about characters and media we love, and even discussions about (a)romantic orientation. This has been such a big year for them from getting their masters and coming out as agender online, truly so proud of them and excited to see what is next in store!

2021-10-03 09:04:29

uzkost Avatar

ive recently started working on my own species more, and im quite proud of the progress ive been able to make, even with other things ive been working on!

also, id like to compliment @provie ! for being an amazing species owner, and part of the art community :3! i love seeing you around, and seeing what new puppilliar things are added. u def went all out for halloween and im excited to participate!

2021-10-01 20:46:38