Comments on [Holiday] Ducky Days!

wanderandfriend Avatar
wanderandfriend Staff Member

Mailbox :D
Personal Compliments: Yes
Any personal compliments notes: Any system member is fine! :D just pls check pronouns
Character Compliments: Yes
Any character compliments notes: Pls do not give character design compliments on characters I didnt design. But style choices are ok :D
In character Compliments: Maybe - Read notes pls
Any in character compliments notes: We are ok with it but please note due to energy and other stuff we likely will response out of character

2024-05-15 23:32:47

mewhaku Avatar

Your art style is super cute!! I always love that about your work. And I've always enjoyed talking to you Wander =D I haven't interacted with the rest of you as much, but I'm sure you are all lovely individuals <3

2024-05-27 18:22:27

draculaelliot Avatar
draculaelliot Staff Member

Wander, you're so nice!!! I love to talk to you!! And I love to see how your art has been evolving with time!!! It's looking every day better!! :)

2024-05-27 04:06:30

Oboe Avatar

I always love seeing your enthusiasm for the group and sharing your characters. ;0; You have such great ideas, and I always look forward to hearing/seeing more of them!

2024-05-19 10:03:28

RexAraneo Avatar

Tommy!! You are so much fun to be around and always bring such a fun energy whenever you join a conversation! I would love to get to know you better in the future!

2024-05-18 23:02:44

Provie Avatar
Provie Staff Member

I love working with Wander for pupps, its great having you on staff! I also am always so happy whenever I see either Wander or Tommy doing some awesome sharing about your interests, love the info dumps :)

2024-05-17 10:10:12